Dr. Bianca N.I. Eskelson is a forest biometrician whose research focuses on monitoring and modelling forest resources and ecosystem services at a variety of scales. She has been working on quantifying wildfi re effects and post-wildfire stand dynamics. She is currently an Associate Professor of Forest Biometrics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
In her talk, Dr. Eskelson uses forest wildfi res and their effects on forest ecosystems under a changing climate to highlight the importance of long-term monitoring efforts that make use of a variety of different data sources. Her talk will focus on: 1) quantifying wildfi re effects using quasi-experimental methods that capitalize on remotesensing data, 2) monitoring post-fi re regeneration, and 3) establishing better linkages across scales using different inventory and remote-sensing data sources. Her presented examples not only apply to forest wildfire effects monitoring, but are transferable to other natural disturbances and their effects that we may be facing under more extreme climate conditions in the future.
The talk will be streamed via unimeet.