Climate research has long pointed out the need for mitigation, transformation and adaptation. However, conventional means, especially scientific publications but also the so-called "dissemination" of research results to society, do not allow us to take action, or at least not fast enough. Therefore, the awareness is increasingly gaining ground that solutions for the climate crisis must be developed and implemented beyond the scientific disciplines - transdisciplinarily - together with all actors in society. These solutions must be simultaneously practical, acceptable, and scientifically robust. This requires collaboration (co-design & co-development) between science and stakeholders right from the formulation of research questions and then continuously throughout the course of research projects. Numerous participatory formats have been established for this purpose, such as reallabs, social simulations/serious games, field trips, pop-up stores, etc., but also workshops and other forms of dialogue. Common to these transdisciplinary formats is the opening to different forms of knowledge and thus the goal of mutual and shared social learning.
Holger Hoff as TIM of the Field of Excellence Climate Change Graz has extensive experience in the transdisciplinary orientation of local, national and international projects in climate, environmental and sustainability research. To this end, he has worked for a long time for the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). During this time, he has provided scientific advice to German and Swedish development cooperation and has worked with numerous governmental, private sector and civil society actors to move from knowledge to action.
As TIM in the Field of Excellence Climate Change at the University of Graz, he develops transdisciplinary formats in research and teaching. Thus, he contributes to the application- and demand-oriented orientation of projects such as Integrate, DISCC-AT, Transflight, Wegbereiter, Quality and others, as well as to a corresponding orientation of new project proposals. Likewise, the he incorporates stakeholder participation into and new teaching formats, such as a course on Moore or the Sustainability Challenge in which students and practice partners work together to develop new solutions. Currently, the TIM is involved in the development of two transdisciplinary practica (IPs) on the topics of mobility and nutrition (a Campus Living Lab is to be developed from this in the future).
For the networking of the University of Graz with the national and international transdisciplinarity community, Holger Hoff is involved in priority 1 of UniNEtZ (Transdisciplinary Dialogues) and in the ITD-Alliance – Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity. In addition, he co-leads the Climate Neutrality Working Group of the CCCA, which is currently developing guidance documents on climate neutrality for companies and cities and municipalities.