Climate Change Graz recently welcomed two more full members, Nina Hampl and Thomas Brudermann:
Nina Hampl (Institute of Environmental Systems Science) works on active mobility as an inter- and transdisciplinary field of research. "Our research should lead to a better understanding of the preconditions and barriers that bring about a change in mobility behavior and the push for active and combined forms of mobility." Both urban and rural areas will be considered. At the inter-university Center for Active Mobility, new scientific findings, decision-making principles and solutions for active mobility in the cross-field context of climate and environment, space, health and economy will be developed.
Thomas Brudermann (Institute of Environmental Systems Science) focuses on topics in environmental and climate psychology, economic psychology, behavioral economics, and sustainability research with a focus on decision behavior. The associate professor of innovation and sustainability research is concerned with mechanisms by which we so often deceive ourselves instead of living more climate-friendly lives. He shows popular excuses in the book "Die Kunst der Ausrede" and at both illustrated by Annechien Hoeben (Institute of Environmental Systems Science). This commitment won the first prize of the Eunice Foote Award for Climate Communication.