The energy sector and the closely related mobility sector are fields where it is particularly relevant to promote sustainability and, in particular, to mitigate climate change. A shift from fossil fuel-based energy and transport systems to renewable energy sources and powertrains is urgently needed. In the context of the broader sustainability debate, however, directing too much attention toward promoting (supply-side) technological innovations has been criticized. Scholars have increasingly recognized the role of behavioral change on the demand side as a necessary component of the required sustainability and low-carbon solutions. Therefore, in our work, we consider both perspectives and explicitly integrate the relevant aspect of behavioral change by examining different roles (e.g. those of the consumers, citizens, policy makers, industry). This includes examining self-driven and policy-driven behavioral changes, but also the public acceptance of relevant policy measures or low-carbon technologies and innovations in the context of energy and mobility.
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Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Alfred Posch