Climate change is a global phenomenon - but it is the regions where we experience its consequences: in Europe, in Austria, in Styria. Our research group investigates the processes that determine regional climate change, specifically the occurrence of extreme events such as heavy precipitation or droughts. How much has the climate already changed? Has climate change already influenced recent extreme events? What changes do we expect in the future? What might past extreme events look like in a warmer climate?
Our scientists continue to try to better understand the limits of our knowledge about regional climate change: How good are our models? How much do we believe our simulations?
Finally, our research group prepares climate simulations for climate impact research to support decisions about climate mitigation and adaptation measures.
From time to time, we report on our work on our blog Climate Storylines.
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Douglas Maraun
+43 316 380 - 8448
Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel