ClimLaw: Graz is a research center for climate change law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz. It is part of the interdisciplinary profile area "Climate Change Graz" of the University of Graz, an association of researchers who conduct research and share their knowledge in the fields of climate change and sustainability.
The task of the research center is to critically observe and analyze current developments in climate change law from an Austrian, European and global perspective. ClimLaw: Graz conducts research projects with national and international partners focusing on climate change law or environmental law. The expertise of the center's members lies in the field of climate-relevant national, comparative and international public law. Through close networking and cooperation with experts from the fields of climate science, climate policy, climate economics or climate ethics, ClimLaw: Graz pursues a transdisciplinary approach. Thereby, research at ClimLaw: Graz deals with topics such as climate negotiations, climate lawsuits, climate liability, climate conflicts, climate migration and many more. The research center is available as a competent partner for scientific expert opinions, legal dialogue and knowledge cooperation in the field of climate change law.
Prof. (Stellenbosch) MM Dr. LL.M. Oliver Ruppel
+43 316 380 - 3601
Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Politikwissenschaft